Урок английского языка по теме “Семья” — Средняя школа № 8 г. Биробиджана

Урок английского языка по теме “Семья”

Автор: Пищиц Е. Б.

Цель урока:

Обобщить и систематизировать знания учащихся на материале, изученном на уроках английского языка по теме: “Семья”

Задачи урока:

Учебный аспект:

формирование лексических умений и навыков в устной речи (умение рассказывать о своей семье.)

формирование грамматических навыков на материале грамматической структуры I have got a … ,

отработка произносительных навыков.

Познавательный аспект

расширение эрудиции учащихся, их лингвистического и общего кругозора

Развивающий аспект

интеллектуальное развитие учащихся, формирование логического мышления;

развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей, ценностных ориентаций, чувств и эмоций школьника, готовность к коммуникации;

строить высказывания самостоятельно.

Воспитательный аспект

формирование у учащихся уважения и интереса к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка;

воспитание культуры общения;

воспитывать чувство любви и уважения к семье, к родителям.


компьютер, раздаточный материал

Ход урока.


1. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning boys and girls! I am glad to see you.

P: Good morning our teacher! We are glad to see you too.

T: How are you today?

P: We are fine. Thank you. How are you today?

T: I am OK. Thank you. Who is on duty today? Let’s begin our lesson. Look at the blackboard and listen to me. Try to guess what we’ll talk today about.

Here is my Father,
Here is my Mother,
Here is my Sister,

Here is my Brother.

Father, Mother,
Sister, Brother
Hand in hand
With one another.

P: — (About family)

T: That’s right. At today’s lesson we’ll speak about family. Let’s start with our phonetic drill.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

a) T: Repeat after me.




elder sister

younger sister








elder brother

younger brother





b) You need to continue my poems with the names of members of the family.

Ты не ленись, а повтори:

Семья иначе … family.

Она мечтает быть артисткой

Моя сестренка – моя … sister.

Мой брат разбил сегодня вазу

Мой брат – малыш,

Мой братик — … brother.

Дядя Скрудж поехал в банк,

Дядю называю … uncle.

Тетя! А теперь твой фант!

Тетя по-английски … aunt.

Дочку как вы назовете?

Дочка по-английски … daughter.

Мой сынок испортил кран.

Сын, сынишка значит … son

Ко мне пришел друг на обед

Друг по-английски просто … friend.

c) T: Give the opposites:

A father – (a mother),

a sister – (a brother),

a dad – (a mum),

a man – ( a woman),

an uncle – (an aunt),

a son – (a daughter),

a granddad – (a grandma),

  1. Речевая разминка.

T: Answer my questions, please. Be active and speak loudly.

Have you got a mother?

Have you got a father?

Is your mother elder than your father?

Have you got a sister?

How old is your sister?

Have you got a brother?

What is his name?

Have you got an aunt?

(ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя и быстром темпе)

  1. Тренировка орфографических и лексических навыков.







  1. Guess who they are.

my father and my mother are my…(parents)

my mother’s daughter is my … (sister)

my father’s mother is my …(grandmother)

my father’s brother is my …(uncle)

my mother’s sister is my …( aunt)

my aunt’s son is my …(cousin)

the daughter of my brother or a sister is my…(niece)

the son of my brother or a sister is my … (nephew)

5. Физкультминутка.

T: And now let’s have a little rest.

That is good. Stand up!

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands on hips!

Bend left!

Bend right!

Turn yourself around.

Hands up! Clap, clap!

Hands down! Shake, shake!

One, two, three-hop!

One, two, three-stop!

Sit down!

6.Стихотворение “What is a family?” (презентация)

T: Our students tell us the poem “What is a family?” p. 128

What is a family?                           

Who is a family?

One and another makes two is a family,

Baby and father and mother: a family,

Parents and sister and brother: a family.

                     All kinds of people can make up a family,

                     All kinds of mixtures can make up a family.

What is a family?

Who is a family?

The children that lived in a shoe is a family!

A pair like Kanga and Roo is a family!

A calf and a cow that go moo is a family!

                      All kinds of creatures can make up a family,

                      All kinds numbers can make up a family.

            All of your family plus you is a family.

  1. Карта ассоциаций.

T: And now let’s answer the questions: What is a family? What associations have you with a word “family”? What is a family for us? (ученики отвечают на вопросы.) На доске карта ассоциаций по теме семья.

  1. Активизация навыков устной речи по теме «Взаимоотношения в семье».

T: Relations in the family are very important. And so parents and children have responsibilities at home. What do you think about parent’s responsibilities?

Pupil 1: Parents must give their children more love.

Pupil 2: Parents must talk to their children more often.

Pupil 3: Parents must help their children with problems they have at school.

Pupil 4: Parents must try to understand their children.

Pupil 5: Parents must set a good example to their children.

T: What are the children’s responsibilities?

  • Every morning I make my bed. I go shopping very often and two times a week I water flowers.

  • Every day I must make my bed, clean my room and take out the rubbish.

  • Every Wednesday and Saturday I must sweep and clean the floor.

(Стихотворение “Helping mother”)

T: Thank you. Sit down, please. I think all members of the family must help each other.

9. Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок.

T: So, today you work very well. It was interesting to know about your families. I’d like to thank you for good work at the lesson. Do you like our lesson? What do you like to do? I give excellent marks to …, good – to …, etc

10. Домашнее задание.

T: Make a family tree. Thank you for your work.. Good-buy.

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